Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- · The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format, without any identification of the authors on the text;
- · URLs for referrals were provided when possible and are active;
- The author–date citation system is used;
- · The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal, otherwise it should be justified in "Comments to the editor";
- The submission follows the standards of structure, style and bibliographic requirements established in Guidelines for Authors, Submissions, on the About the Journal page;
- Full completion of the metadata requested on the article's online submission homepage, including: - full name, no abbreviations. - link to the Lattes curriculum in the URL field. - biography summary (undergraduate, masters, doctorate). - affiliation (current link institution).
- Each author may submit only one work per category (articles or good practices);
- If the text is co-authored by two or more people, a declaration of co-authorship with detailed intellectual contribuition of each contributor must be attached to the article (available at;
Política padrão de seçãoBoas práticas
Atividades desenvolvidas pela auditoria que se mostraram boas práticas e que podem ter o seu conteúdo replicado.
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