Work Accidents: Proposal Of a Philosophical Theory
Proposal of a Philosophical Theory
Accidents of work, Philosophical theory, Being from the accidentAbstract
This article aims to think about the possibility of elaborating a philosophical theory of work accidents. Such a theory does not intend to deny or overcome existing theories from other fields of knowledge. We start from the etymology of the word accident, in Comte-Sponville and Aristotle, until reaching its current legal meaning. Our intention is to analyze the phenomenon of work accidents in a systemic way, and for that we developed the concept of Context, as an articulated system, with the presence of several relationships that occur between its components. Then we develop concepts applicable to accidents, which will be exposed in triads, such as: accidents regarding their phases, accidents regarding their aspects, accidents regarding their modes of existence and accidents regarding the temporality of their factors. We will apply these concepts to a real work accident situation, which was analyzed by the Labor Inspection. Finally, we will seek to explain the being of the accident.